Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do
When considering the development of ancient fighting methods (when warriors fought bare handed or only with light weapons such as swords, spears etc.) it is interesting to note that western fighting techniques (sword fighting, jousting etc) have been forgotten. However eastern methods have prospered becoming a systematic educational practice and part of a deep rooted culture (Wushu in China & Budo on Japan). The education of the way (Do), where one learns to face life, helps the practitioner in their everyday struggle which is proving more and more appealing to an increasing number of people worldwide.
Karate Do International Class WorldwideThroughout the years fighting techniques have evolved into various styles embracing different philosophies, historical periods and cultures. In times of war, martial art masters focused on the technical, practical and physical aspects, while in times of peace, philosophical-spiritual aspects became of greater importance. Techniques and training were aimed more towards everyday uses, and less toward combat applications against a physical enemy.
For example: A confrontation with the boss over wages and terms of work; To the eyes of a traditional martial arts master, this situation is interpreted, strategically speaking, as a face to face fight against a real opponent in a physical confrontation. There is no difference between managing a physical fight and an acute debate as in the above mentioned example, between employer and employee. The same attitude and the same strategy applies. Whereas the physical fight exchanges strikes, kicks, throwing techniques and other combat tactics The bfightb with the boss at work is conducted through mental combat b the management of the debate, the manipulation of ones opponent into an inferior psychological position, the avoidance of questions or answers, the spreading of traps, and thinking one step ahead of your opponent. From this example we can begin to understand the fundamental importance of mental preparation accompanying the physical, technical skill. Karate-Do training intends to strengthen body, mind and spirit. The delicate balance between body and soul is emphasized from the very beginning of the karateka's (karate man) initiation. Karate-Do practices (as well as other fighting ways) are prolonged training sessions, which include the search for perfection and absolute understanding b the learning and training towards perfection and the search for insight are a lifetime process.
As opposed to sport disciplines, martial artists can be active and continue their development regardless of age.
Karate Do International works and educates as continuous development, through deep and devoted study helps the practitioner achieve a high level of physical ability, physical & mental focus, concentration, strength and control over body and mind.
Karate-Do is an effective form of self-defense. It systematically trains the body to become an effective and powerful weapon. The professional training program improves the human body and its functioning as a whole. It concentrates on the development of an ideal cohesion of our physical and spiritual energy.
Karate Do International Teacher's a natural result of proper and professional training. The practitioner reaches high levels of self-control over his body and his spirit. The practitioner excels to levels of self-realization, moral conduct and high strategic competency. The karateka's daily practice aims to confront him with new and adverse physical and emotional experiences. These experiences are provided to strengthen both body and mind with the ultimate intention of helping to shape the individuals character.
Karate-Do is a fighting art, which does not seek victory, but strives to shape the character through directed training proceduresb (Gichin Funakoshi). Immediately the difference in approach between sports and martial arts can be seen. Sport disciplines are characterized by a system in which the practitioner has to defeat his opponent within the limits of the rules.
Karate Do International at Honbu Dojo: The main aim of martial arts is for each and every person to be confronted by themselves the physical activity and techniques are merely the tools and means by which it may be achieved. The real, true aim is to strive for the development of character, self-improvement and realization of our own limitations through eternal practice and study. In other words, martial arts practice is a physical and spiritual activity suited for everyone regardless of religion, color, sex or age.
To Conclude
Karate-Do specifically, and martial arts in general, are a recommended activity for all ages and sexes within the boundaries of authorized schools. Only professionally educated authorized teachers and instructors deserve to train students. traditional martial arts is to help with the pursuit of personal development rather than of competitive notoriety. It aims to help an individual operate at their best at all times in all facets of life, physically, mentally and spiritually. During these days of domestic and foreign dangers (assaults, mental and physical stress) these issues retain their validity