Courses, Seminars, Clinics and Lectures:
History and development of Martial Arts, Philosophy of Martial Arts, Fighting Arts and Fighting Sports, Warrior's Psychology, The Art of Teaching Martial Art, Kata - The way to teach kata & analysis, The essence of Testing and Grading, The art of Teaching Children, The art of Teaching Adults, Self-Defense, Teaching Techniques (Budo), The essence of Okinawa Goju Ryu, The Sensei of Budo.
Specially Designed Courses:
Based on development and the experience of the Israeli Defense Forces.
Law Enforcement. Ladies Self Defense.
Practical Self Defense to the public.
The use of daily tools for Self Defense.
Family Safety: Safety at home and around. Special Course of Knife fighting (only for Security Personals and Black Belts). Tonfa, Police Baton.

Join Us
If you lead a traditional Martial Art Dojo/ School/ Organisation, you welcome to apply to join our activities and become a valuable part of our Family of Warriors .

The School of Karate Do International provides a formal educational program for it's practitioners.
Karate Do International's Diplomas are accredited and recognised by the historic Dai Nippon Butokukai - Kyoto, Japan, Goju Ryu Karate Do Sho Honbu Jundokan - Okinawa, Kobudo of Yamanni Ryu - Okinawa, Traditional Karate Do Organisation International, International Budo Academy.
Karate Do International prepares it's Senior Martial Artists for quality teaching and certifies them officially. Karate Do International acts as an independent professional entity and has set down a professional code of ethics and is promoting the public image of the Classical Martial Arts.